Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Interview

We are back from vacation! It was a lot of fun and a beautiful way to say goodbye to 2011, but I'm ready to jump into this new year. There's something so terrifically exciting about the beginning of a new year. A new year with plenty of time for all of  your hopes and aspirations to be realized in. It's usually a little sad for me as well though. Saying goodbye to a year of days spent, watching the clock faithfully tick away, never slowing no matter how much you'd wish for it to happen. It's a collision of strong emotions and I'm always affected. Luckily, there's always so much to look forward to no matter what kind of year you're leaving behind.

I'm excited for this year, and we started it off with an interview for R. The idea is to ask him the questions each year and record his answers for a keepsake. A reminder of who he is and how much he's grown. And not only is this a lovely memento, it's also a very insightful look into my child's world. Plus, it's always fun to see his answers. I thought I'd share the questions and his answers with you all.

1. How would you describe yourself?
I am really nice.

2. What is your favorite food?

3. What is your least favorite food? 

4. What is your favorite book?
I don't have a favorite book.

5. What is your favorite song?
I don't have a favorite song either. 

6. Where is your favorite place to go?
My nana's house.

7. What do you want to learn this new year?
I want to learn about... zebras. And other animals.

8. What is something mama always says?
I love you!

9. What is something daddy always says?
R Doodle. 

10. What is your biggest wish for the new year?
I wish I was small like a bug.

I'm really surprised he didn't describe himself as funny as well, but he's right.. he is really nice. And I'm also surprised he picked a favorite for anything this year. He has been unable to come up with a favorite for most things for quite awhile. Whenever he's pressed he keeps insisting he likes them all. Very agreeable. His nickname is R Doodle (his name plus doodle) and his daddy calls him that primarily.  I'm really pleased with his quotes from us. I'm glad that's what he hears and the impression he's getting. And I absolutely love his wish for this year. I think it's adorable and didn't want to further explain the question to promote a different answer. I'd like to remember that one always. So sweet!

Do you do a yearly interview with your children? What questions would you add?


  1. How sweet that he describes himself as really nice!

  2. You know, we have done question and answers together here, and I've kept them as keepsakes. It's something my sisters and I did together when we were young. But, I had never thought to make it an annual tradition as you are doing—it's a wonderful tradition you have begun! You will both find so much joy in reviewing these questions and answers one day and how they change through the years. And, it's a perfect way to begin each new year. Great idea, Joyce! -heather

  3. Happy New Year!!
    The interview is very cute!

  4. OMG, so cute! I so have to do this with my girls! I love his answers, and I agree, what he answers as his quotes from you are so sweet, that's how you know you're doing it right :)
    Good job Mama!

  5. What a wonderful idea! His responses are just adorable - who wouldn't want to be small like a bug?
    I must try this with my little man.

    I love reading your posts and I have awarded you an award! Happy New Year!

  6. Thank you MaryAnne! He really is a sweetie. He's very giving and sympathetic. I lucked out. :)

    Heather, you are so right. I've already enjoyed seeing how his answers change. Last year when I asked him what daddy said a lot, he made snoring noises. Lol! Which he doesn't sleep more than average, but he does snore! Wait, did I make that public knowledge? Good thing my hubby doesn't typically read my blog and the comments! Haha.

    I hope you had a fantastic new year, Phyllis. Thank you for reading our little interview!

    Aleacia, I hope that you share some of the cute things your girls say if you do this. Oh little kid answers are amazing. Thank you for the sweet words.

    Melissa, I know I would love to be small like a bug at least once! Thank you so much for the award. That's really sweet of you to think of me. :) I hope you and your little guy likes the interview if you try it. I think most kids would love being asked about what they think. My little boy sure loves to talk. Hehe.


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